Tips From
The Pub
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Enhancing ChatGPT Prompts
April 20, 2023
I'm going to give you one simple prompt that can make everything you do with ChatGPT better. This is for…Using objections and ChatGPT to generate content ideas
April 13, 2023
I love when calls with prospects or clients generate new ideas. I had a call with a prospect this week…Drilling down on questions
April 6, 2023
Using questions is a great way to find keywords and/or content ideas. The great thing about questions as search queries…Common mistakes with canonical tags
March 23, 2023
Canonical tags, also known as rel=canonical, are HTML tags that are used to address duplicate content issues on a website.…Using regex to find long-tail opportunities in Google Search Console
March 9, 2023
These are a couple of really easy ways to find long-tail queries that your site might be underserving. 1) Go…Google Sheet for RegEx Expressions
February 23, 2023
Without a doubt the SEO tool I use most frequently is [[Google Search Console]]. It provides a wealth of data…