Tips From
The Pub
These are examples of the what you can expect to find in your inbox when you signup at The SEO Pub. A new tip sent each week.
Can artificial intelligence write content for your website?
July 27, 2021
Artificial Intelligence is on the cusp of a major breakthrough. Artificial intelligence has been around for awhile now, but it…Start strong – utilizing aged domains for affiliate marketing
July 20, 2021
I build a lot of private networks. Back in 2013-2014 I produced the best course out there on how to…Google cache and text-only version
July 13, 2021
This one may seem basic to some of you, but I think these are two tools that are under-utilized in…Common causes of slow LCP load times
July 6, 2021
Last week was about identifying CLS and I mentioned how to identify LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) on your pages. This…How to identify cumulative layout shifts
June 29, 2021
With Core Web Vitals upon us, people are scrambling to optimize their sites. Mostly a waste of time, but it…When should you disavow links?
June 22, 2021
Back in 2012, Google shook up the link building market with two massive actions. First, there was an enormous push…Should you noindex category pages?
June 15, 2021
Should you noindex category pages? I see this question come up a lot in regards to Wordpress, but the situation…Bounce rate is not a ranking factor
June 8, 2021
Bounce rate is not a ranking factor for search engines. There are two very simple and very logical reasons why…Private network footprints to avoid
June 1, 2021
Sticking with the more grey/black hat theme of last week, let’s talk about some footprints that can be giving away…