URL best practices

This week, best practices for URL Structure

First, make URLs descriptive and include keywords.

Many CMS systems like WordPress by default will spit out URLs that look like this….


Or this


These are no help to search engines or to your visitors.

Make them descriptive

Like this


A visitor or search engine should be able to take one look at your URL and have a good idea of what the page is about.


Okay, maybe not that descriptive…

It’s over man. She’s not coming back.

Second, don’t be afraid of using categories and subcategories. I know there is a belief out there that shorter URLs are somehow better. This belief came from nonsense correlation studies with zero actual evidence.

Search engines have no problem processing longer URLs and you will find long URLs at the top of SERPs regularly.

Categories and subcategories can work like breadcrumbs to search engines giving them even more clues as to what your page is about.

As you can see in the images, search engines will display them in search results giving potential visitors even more reason to click on your listing.

Lastly, use hyphens to separate words.

Do not use underscores. Underscores actually join words together.

Do not leave it up to search engines to determine what your page is supposed to be about.


Is that Alanis Morissette’s hits or Alanis Morissette… something else.

One is a long list of award-winning music.

The other… is not.

Tools I Use:

🔎  SemrushCompetitor and Keyword Analysis

✔  Monday.comFor task management and organizing all of my client work

🗄  FraseContent optimization and article briefs

📆 Akiflow – Manage your calendar and daily tasks

👑  Conductor Website MonitoringSite crawler, monitoring, and audit tool

📈 SEOPress – It’s like Yoast, if Yoast wasn’t such a mess.

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